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Girls, Girls, Girls.

The one where we talk about the female singers you need to have on your radar.

When I was growing up, all I wanted to be was Anne Wilson. Or Stevie Nicks. Or Debbie Harry. Or Pat Benatar. They were beautiful and they were badass. Their songs would come on the radio and I would shut the door of whatever room I was in, grab my hairbrush, and start singing along, pretending I was on the stage with a band behind me. I kind of got to live out my dream in high school when I joined a rock band. We auditioned for the talent show, doing our rendition of Stevie Nicks' "Edge of Seventeen" but didn't get in. It was political — don't ask. But I still feel like the chorus director deprived the world of potential greatness. Sigh. I still gravitate towards female musicians today. Whether their voice is light and feathery, or gritty and gravelly, there's something so powerful about seeing and hearing someone who looks like you actually owning it in front of an audience while making themselves vulnerable at the same time. So I put a list together. Female musicians who are, in my opinion, the best of the best but maybe aren't getting the attention they deserve. They come from all genres — jangly pop to soul to country — so there's something here for everyone. You might not like all of them, but maybe you'll like one.


Yuna - Strawberry Letter 23

I don't generally like covers unless there's a reason for them to exist. Most of the time I feel like the band or artist covering the song doesn't bring anything original to the track and it just seems like karaoke. But Yuna's smooth vocals and retooled music on this classic really work for me. They bring a lightness that I didn't realize could work, but work it does.

Nicole Atkins - Domino

Be forewarned: this groove will get stuck in your head and won't leave. It's super hot and super sexy. #NicoleAtkins #Domino #ItalianIce

Tristen - Glass Jar

I love Tristan's feathery light voice, and the jangly pop guitar in the background reminds me of The Byrds. This is just such a great song.

First Aid Kit - Emmylou

This song is almost ten years old but its beauty makes it timeless in my book. Part country, part folk, part pop. The harmonies are gorgeous and the steel guitar makes me weak in the knees. The fact that it's a song about two of the most iconic female country singers just makes it that much better. #FirstAidKit #Emmylou

Shannon Shaw - Goodbye summer

Man, the gritty soul vibe in this song is just so perfect. Every time I hear it, I picture her standing on the stage in a darkly lit smoky club just wailing away. And it makes me want to go to there.

Julia Michaels - Little Did I Know

I saw Julia open up for P!nk on tour a few years ago. I had no idea who she was but some of the kids in the crowd seemed to. She'd apparently written some of the biggest pop songs at the time and handed them off to other artists to cash in on. But it seems like she's found or is finding her own voice and path. I hope we hear way more from her in the future. #Julia​#NotInChronologicalOrder​ #LittleDidIKnow​

Julien Baker - Repeat

I cannot get enough of this song, or the entire album, really. I'll admit it — I had no idea who Julien Baker was, but the media was basically going bananas over the fact that she was releasing a new solo album and the hype was off the charts. I checked it out, completely expecting to be underwhelmed, but something weird happened ... I fell in love instead. The rawness of her lyrics and the simple music behind them are just superb. I can literally listen to her on repeat, repeat, repeat. #JulienBaker #LittleOblivions

Lana Del Rey - Venice Bitch

I've been an LDR fan from the beginning. That voice. That face. That attitude. I'm not sure this is her best song, but it's the one I listen to over and over. It transports me to another place. "You're beautiful and I'm insane. We're American-made." Swoon.

Jessica Lea Mayfield - Sorry Is Gone

I saw Jessica Lea Mayfield open up for The Black Keys when she released her first album in 2008. I remember being so blown away by her that I came home and looked her up. I wanted more. No, I needed more. I love everything about her, and her musical transition from where she was back then to where she is now has been a wonderful ride.

Kacey Musgraves - Slow Burn

If you're not listening to Kacey Musgraves and refuse to listen to her because she's too country then I don't even know what to say. This is some of the most beautiful music I've heard. Her voice is like butter and her lyrics are brilliant. "Old soul waiting my turn. I know a few things but I still got a lot to learn." I want to marry her.


Did you find something you liked? Do you have a female musician you think I should check out? Drop me a line or comment below. I'd love to hear from you.


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