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Play That Funky Music

The one where we talk about how #TheOC changed the way TV shows and music interacted with one another.

The best thing about The OC was the way it revolutionized the use of music in television shows. Gone were the instrumental scores that just sort of blended into the background. No, now we had real honest-to-god music. Popular music! From bands and artists you knew (and some you didn't). #Beck, #TheSubways, #TheKillers, #TheDandyWarhols!

I remember reading an interview with the show's creator and he said that they weren't even trying to be cool with the music—they just had no budget and could only get what they could afford.

What??? That's insane! I'm pretty sure this is where I first heard Death Cab for Cutie!

Anyway, at the end of S1E1, Sandy is driving Ryan back to his mom's house, not because he wants to but because he has to. After Ryan and Seth's night of drinking and fighting, Kirsten thinks he's a bad seed and has to go.

Picture it: they're pulling out of the driveway, the sun is setting and everything has a hazy orange glow, and Marissa Cooper is standing at the edge of her driveway watching the car as it pulls away. And in the background, this song kicks in. It guts me every single time I hear it.


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